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Boat Insurance in and around Queen Creek

Would you like Brandon to create a personalized boat quote?

Be Ready For The Rip Currents Of Life

Your State Farm agent can help you ensure that you don't end up as a castaway. And for the times that the unpredictable does happen, agent Brandon Walsh can help you understand the great coverage that they offer.

Always smooth sailing in Queen Creek with State Farm's insurance

Catch some waves, wisely

Get Boat Insurance You Can Trust

When the waters get rough, State Farm has got you covered. Your State Farm agent Brandon Walsh can help you understand your coverage options. So even though that bay can get choppy, you can enjoy smooth sailing.

State Farm's boat insurance will keep you afloat with automatic additional coverages such as wreck removal and emergency service. And to top this sweet deal off, there are also a variety of optional coverages, such as incidental commercial fishing, fishing tournament fee reimbursement and boat rental liability. This is a policy you shouldn't pass up! Call Brandon Walsh for a complimentary boat insurance quote!

Simple Insights®

Boat trailer safety

Boat trailer safety includes choosing the proper trailer and towing vehicle, following proper hitching procedures and learning safe driving techniques.

Reporting a boating accident

Reporting a boating accident is required by law if the accident results in death, serious injuries or disappeareances. Read more about reporting.

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Brandon Walsh

Brandon Walsh

State Farm® Insurance Agent
Office Address:
22711 S Ellsworth Rd Suite 105
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Map & Directions
Would you like Brandon to create a personalized boat quote?
Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Brandon Walsh

Brandon Walsh

State Farm® Insurance Agent
Office Address:
22711 S Ellsworth Rd Suite 105
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Map & Directions

Simple Insights®

Boat trailer safety

Boat trailer safety includes choosing the proper trailer and towing vehicle, following proper hitching procedures and learning safe driving techniques.

Reporting a boating accident

Reporting a boating accident is required by law if the accident results in death, serious injuries or disappeareances. Read more about reporting.